PowerSonic蓄电池PS-12550 规格尺寸 PowerSonic蓄电池PS-12550 规格尺寸 蓄电池应用领域与分类: ◆ 免维护无须补液; ● UPS不间断电源; ◆ 内阻小,大电流放电性能好; ● 消防备用电源; ◆ 适应温度广; ● 安全防护报警系统; ◆ 自放电小; ● 应急照明系统; ◆ 使用寿命长; ● 电力,邮电通信系统; ◆ 荷电出厂,使用方便; ● 电子仪器仪表; ◆ 安全防爆; ● 电动工具,电动玩具; ◆ 独特配方,深放电恢复性能好; ● 便携式电子设备; ◆ 无游离电解液,侧倒仍能使用; ● 摄影器材; ◆ 产品通过CE,ROHS认证,所有电池 ● 太阳能、风能发电系统; 符合国家标准。 ● 巡逻自行车、红绿警示灯等。 蓄电池产品特点 1、采用紧装配技术,具有优良的高率放电性能。 2、采用特殊的设计,电池在使用过程中电液量几乎不会减少,使用寿命期间完全无需加水。 3、采用独特的耐腐蚀板栅合金、使用寿命长。 4、全部采用高纯原材料,电池自放电极小。 5、采用气体再化合技术,电池具有极高的密封反应效率,无酸雾析出,安全环保,无污染。 6、采用特殊的设计和高可靠的密封技术,确保电池密封,使用安全、可靠。 Customer: 1. The client may with our purchase contract no., and provide the damaged battery photo in detail, customer service by verifying immediately after distributed free of charge to the customer specify the type of battery. 2. Customer after received the new replacement battery, damage to the battery will immediately send it to the delivery company. Dear customer, thank you for your attention and support. In order to we can communicate better and have a good deal, please spend a few minutes to look at the following words before shopping, I wish you a happy shopping! A: how to place an order 1) take a cell phone and to contact with us; (2) or telephone contact, put your re detailed description! 2: before ordering, please contact customer service We strictly according to every customer's specifications, and re to delivery; Please the
PowerSonic蓄电池PS 12550 规格尺寸